At Di Natale Chiropractic + Wellness we offer a wide range of therapy options to fulfill our patient’s needs. Each patient case is unique and requires different methods of treatment. Following a thorough assessment, the doctor/therapist will determine what would work best in treating your condition.
Common Conditions Treated
Common conditions we treat that benefit from this therapy:
Mobilizations / Manipulations play a significant role in rehabilitative care for most patients experiencing pain, joint stiffness/tightness and diminished range of motion.
What is it?
Chiropractic adjustments/mobilizations are a useful tool in addressing joint restriction. Improper joint movement or function could interfere or alter biomechanics increasing your risk of injury.
How does it work?
Chiropractic adjustments/mobilizations are safe and effective in restoring joint function, improving biomechanics and preventing injury. Joints that are restricted interfere with optimal joint, muscle and nervous system function. When adjustments are performed, joint function is restored eliminating pain and improving human performance.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints.
Various techniques of massage are offered at Di Natale Chiropractic + Sports Therapy including: Deep Tissue, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Sports, Pregnancy Massage, as well as Lymphatic Drainage Therapy.
Common conditions we treat that benefit from this therapy:
Headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, tennis or golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ dysfunction (TMD), sciatica, shin splits, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis/tendinopathies are a few of many conditions that could benefit from soft tissue therapy.
What is it?
Specific muscle treatments are used to improve range of motion, improve circulation, decrease pain and improve function of the targeted region. Treatments target muscular tissue that is over-stressed, injured or irritated.
How does it work?
At Di Natale Chiropractic + Sports Therapy, various soft tissue techniques are utilized. Active Release Technique (A.R.T®), Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) & Post-Isometric Relaxation technique (PIR) are used to promote healing, alleviate symptoms and improve function.
Common conditions we treat that benefit from this therapy:
Headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, tennis or golfers elbow, TMJ joint dysfunction, hip pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and musculoskeletal pain not responding to other soft tissue therapies.
How does it work?
Intra-muscular insertion of sterile acupuncture needles in regions that are irritated or dysfunctional. The needles are very thin and rarely felt entering the skin. Needles are inserted into trigger points (knots) which produces a local-twitch response (LTR). Following this LTR, the trigger point releases – this is therapeutically beneficial. Studies show that acupuncture or dry needling one of the most effective ways to alleviate muscular symptoms and improve function.
What is it?
Patients receive individualized exercises that are performed both in-office and at home. Exercises are prescribed following a comprehensive functional examination and are monitored/progressed at each visit. Studies indicate that individuals improve much quicker if they are active in their own treatment plan and that exercise is most effective when used in conjunct with manual therapy in treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Exercises that are prescribed target the underlying biomechanical cause of symptoms, not just mask symptoms.
Common conditions we treat that benefit from this therapy:
Headaches, migraines, clenching, bruxism (aggressive clench), neck pain/stiffness, jaw pain and clicking.
What is it?
Temporo-mandibular dysfunction (TMD) is the root cause in 1/3 of neck pain cases and will not resolve entirely without proper assessment and treatment of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ).
How does it work?
Addressing the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) itself, muscles that control it and patient education, are the keys to management of this condition. Dr. Di Natale has extensive training in the assessment and treatment of TMJ conditions by many of the leading rehabilitation specialists and researchers on TMJ dysfunction (TMD). In severe cases, co-managing with dentists may be necessary, when a splint or bite guard is required
Who can benefit from this therapy?
Women who are currently pregnant experiencing back / hip pain, or women with a history of musculoskeletal-related (MSK) pain during a previous pregnancy. Women who have had back pain with previous pregnancies are at an increased risk of MSK-related pain for future pregnancies.
What is it?
Pregnant women experience back pain for several reasons – most commonly due to altered biomechanics and hormonal changes. The onset of back pain during pregnancy most commonly occurs during the second and third trimester. As the developing fetus grows, this places more stress on muscles and joints of the low back and pelvic regions. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur increasing laxity of the ligaments and other soft tissue structures in the low back & pelvic regions. This hormonal change, alters stability and therefore alters biomechanics in the low back and hips, leading to joint or muscle irritation.
How does it work?
Manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and patient education in the early stages of pregnancy are beneficial in the prevention of lower back or pelvic pain.
Contact us for a consultation or exam and we will discuss the safest and most effective treatment option for alleviating your back pain during pregnancy.
Common conditions that would benefit:
Plantar fasciitis, pes planus (flat feet), achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, foot/ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain are a few of many conditions that could benefit from custom orthotics.
What is it?
Patients are fitted for custom orthotics to improve biomechanics, alleviate pain and improve quality of life. A thorough gait assessment and biomechanical evaluation is performed by the chiropractic physician so orthotics can be customized to fulfill the patient’s needs. Prior to booking an appointment for an orthotic fitting, patients must consult their Primary Care Physician (PCP), obtain a prescription for custom orthotics that contains a medical diagnosis and bring this with them to their fitting. Patients are always advised to consult with their insurance company prior to scheduling their orthotic appointment.
Common conditions that would benefit:
Varicose veins, spider veins, chronic venous insufficiency and stasis dermatitis are just a few conditions of many that may benefit from custom compression stockings.
What is it?
Medical compression therapy consists of applying a type of elastic device, mainly on the limbs, to exert a controlled pressure on them. By compressing the limbs or other body regions, the medical compression device squeezes the vein walls together, thereby improving overall circulation and supporting blood flow back towards the heart. Prior to your fitting, similar to custom orthotics, patients must consult their PCP and receive a prescription indicating the desired number of compression stockings, level of compression and medical diagnosis. Patients are advised to do this before scheduling their fitting appointment.
Common conditions that could benefit:
Disc herniations/bulges, osteoarthritis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, acute/chronic back pain, pelvic girdle instability, knee pain, pes anserine bursitis, patellar tendonitis, cruciate ligament sprains/tears, ankle sprains, achilles tendon pathology, shoulder pain, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist/hand pain are a few of many conditions that could benefit from custom bracing.
What is it?
Custom orthopedic braces are designed to fit your desired needs. Braces allow individuals to regain their strength and well-being following an injury.
Dietitians assess nutrition related issues of individuals and develop, implement and evaluate nutrition care plans to prevent, treat and manage disease.
Psychotherapy is a mental health discipline that provides individuals with a judgement-free space where they can explore their most pressing concerns, fears, problems, or any aspect of their life, personality, or cognition that they wish to better understand or improve upon. Psychotherapy can help with anxiety, depression, emotional regulation, stress, social & family relationships, substance use, developmental or personality disorders, trauma or PTSD and several other issues you need addressed.
Our TPI Medical providers are trained to evaluate a golfer for physical limitations which can inhibit swing efficiency, durability and, ultimately, enjoyment of the game. Our providers evaluate a player’s physical capabilities and develop an understanding of how the results of that assessment are correlated with the technical elements in the player’s swing. Medical providers are then able to to quickly identify the key area that can be holding a golfer back from playing at their best.
Our fitness coaches work closely with the healthcare practitioners to assist individuals reach and exceed their health goals. Each individual will receive a thorough initial assessment, including a functional movement screen and exercise prescription will be tailored to the clients needs.