dinatalechirosport@gmail.com    |   (519) 960 0360

New Patient Paperwork


Insurance Companies Accepted – We Direct Bill

  • GreenShield
  • Manulife
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Great-West Life
  • Claimsecure
  • Cowan
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Desjardins
  • Johnson
  • Johnson Group
  • Blue Cross
  • RWAM
  • theclaimsxchange

Your Initial Visit

Arrive Early

Arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill out any registration forms and to provide any additional information to the front desk staff regarding your extended health benefits. The front desk staff will ask for a copy of your insurance card to keep on file. We always recommend patients consult their insurance company to discuss individual coverage plans. Your prompt arrival helps us make sure we have any other additional forms required and helps us stay on schedule.

How long is the initial visit appointment?

The initial appointment will last between 30-45 minutes. This includes a comprehensive history, thorough physical, neurological, functional examination and a report of findings. Following the history and examination process, patients will receive treatment from the chiropractic physician, given there is no red flags deterring treatment. In the presence of red flags, the examining doctor will provide medical advice for management of the individual’s specific condition.

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing which allows for free movement, is recommended at the time of the initial visit. You may bring a change of clothes with you to your appointment and change in the room, if preferred.

What should I bring?

  • Photo ID, valid insurance card/information if you wish to bill through insurance
  • Up-to-date list of current medications
  • Recent imaging reports (X-ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound), related to your chief complaint

* If you have had imaging recently, you may be asked to sign a “Medical Release Form” at the clinic, giving us consent to access your medical records.